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Welcome to dograce. The first thing that I wish to say is
this is not a game! I hope that no one reading this downloaded the
program thinking that it is.
What then does the program do? Well, DOGRACE is a program
designed to help those who enjoy betting on dograces to handicap
those races.
The main program is called DOGRACE.COM. In order to run the program
you need simply type DOGRACE The program was originally written in
TURBO PASCAL ver. 3.0 by Borland International. I wrote it in
TURBO for many reasons, not the smallest of which is the ability
to create .COM files from the compiler so that a compiler isn't
needed every time you want to run the program.
Any way. DOGRACE askes the user about fifteen questions
about each dog in a eight dog race. DOGRACE assigns points to
each dog depending on how the user has answered each question.
After the eighth dog, DOGRACE sorts the dogs by the total number
of points they have recieved and puts this chart on the screen.
At this time you may print out the list to take with you to the
è 1. Make sure that you have caps lock on !
2. Put reals in the form ##.## !
3. Put percent answers in integer form !
4. Please only answer from choices given !
5. Double check your answers to make sure they are correct
BEFORE pressing enter !
6. Press enter after each answer !
Each time you run the program, you run it for 1 eight dog race.
Each time it starts off with three screens of jabber that are essentially
covered in this document. As a reward for your patience and reading this
document I will let you in on a little secret. At the end of the first
screen, type * then enter. This will skip the rest of the messages and
bop you strait into the program.
Remember that this is simply a program to help you handicap the
dogs. I in no way lay claim to always predicting the winner. Lets
be real, if I could do that I would'nt be giving this away for free.
All of the things you will need to answer all of the questions are
located right on any race program. ( the one you get at the track )
Most of the questions are fairly strait forward. Remember to double-
check your answers. If you enter one type of answer, and the computer
is expecting another type, it will abort the program! Believe me,
there is nothing more frustrating than having to enter all dogs over
again because you typed 3.d3 for the pups average time.
I would like to thank Bill Monken and Chris Gallatin for their
support and inspiration. ( they wanted me to write a program to
predict the dogs so that they did'nt have to strain their brains
doing it. ) They gave me much encouragement and many helpfull
suggestions to get this program working so nicely.
This program did take a rather long time to write and test. And for
all my troubles I would really appreciate a small percentage of any
winnings that you may incur. I personally feel this is more fair
all around than a pre set amount. I would also welcome any comments,
questions or suggestions you may have. I would also be willing to part
with a copy of the source code for reasonable amount.
( yes I can be bought.)
Send any and all things to
c/o Dave L. Reitz
11893 E. Virginia Pl.
Aurora, Colo. 80012
I used actual race day programs for all of my tests. I got all
of my results from the next day's paper. My major concern with the
results was the way that we normally bet. We like to bet dogs to show.
We do this for many reasons. We are'nt rich enough to box tri's all
night long, for one. But mostly we just like to cheer for a dog that
we predicted would come in in the place it did. ( that's right,
we have big tender egoes and hate to see the dog we bet on not come in.)
It is for this reason I suggest you don't go blowing you whole
weeks paycheck on every dog the computer picks. Look at the difference
in the points of each dog, and then bet accordingly, and cautiously.
Remember that DOGRACE is only another kind of handicapper to make your
choice a little easier. On an interesting note for those who wonder
about the acuracy of the program. In every test but one that I have
thus far performed. DOGRACE had a higher winning percentage than the
handicapper's choices in the race program.
I am looking forward to the return of the normal racing scedule so
that I can make some real money. I hope that you will be as successful
as I have been and that you will share generously in you good fortune.
Even if you chose not to send me a contribution. I encourage you
to copy and distribute DOGRACE as often as you like. Support the
public domain concept. It helps out all of man kind.
Dave L. Reitz